







Hi fellow blogster, I am Fansi a wordpress newbie who is very new to using this type of blog. So without further a do, I am going to tell you the reason why I made this blog.

On Monday 22th 2016, I attended a class called “Scripting Language”. Since I am a Computer Science student in Binus International University, it is a must for me to enroll the class . Now one of the requirements that the lecturer (Mr Raymond Bahana) said that we must make a blog on WordPress and share our project progress. So you might see several posts of my project progress every week. Hope you get use to that.

So that was an explanation of why I made this blog. If you want to know the detail information of Computer Science in Binus International University, you may want to visit this siteĀ  Computer Science Website .

Thank you for reading my post.

Fansi Lantana